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29 Sep, 2023

Puga valley, Leh District, Unforgetable experience

Puga valley, Leh District, Unforgetable experience

One of the most incredible natural wonders in the area is Puga Valley, which is situated in the stunning Changthang Valley in southeast Ladakh. Puga valley is one of the best places to visit in Ladakh for its numerous hot springs and mud pools, in addition to its abundant sulphur, borax and other mineral reserves.

These mud pools and springs are consider having medicinal properties and can be used to treat skin problems and even rheumatism.

Puga Valley, a geothermal energy source, attracts a large number of tourists as well as scholars who come to study and experience these geothermal events.

Several times during the day, steam from hot springs can be seen, adding to the valley's mysterious appeal. The Puga Valley, which is approximately 30 kilometers long, is also ideal for those who enjoy nature and wildlife.

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Is Puga Valley a best place to visit?

Puga Valley, undoubtedly one of the most beautiful valleys in the Ladakh region, is unique because it is one of the few locations in India that combines natural beauty with some seriously cool geothermal activities that can observe.

The Changthang Valley, which is close to the Salt Lake Valley, is where Puga Valley is located. If you're not familiar with Salt Lake Valley, it's one of the largest valleys on the Changthang Plateau, and the lake there is saline by nature. The valley gets its name from extensive white salt deposits.

Wildlife lovers also adore Puga Valley as a destination. Puga is home to numerous resident and migratory bird species, as well as yaks, wild horses, and sheep. Puga is a significant breeding ground for many. Consider the black-necked cranes as an example. Black-necked cranes are one of the world's most endangered bird species, and Puga is one of their few remaining habitats.

Puga Valley is one of those unusual and rare places you won't often find in India; it's that one undiscovered location that you should bookmark. It is also surrounding by magnificent mountains, an icy desert, and vast stretches of sulphur deposits. So, don’t miss the chance to visit this incredible valley.

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Highlights of Puga Valley Ladakh

  • Visit the stunning Puga Valley in Ladakh, which is known as a geothermal energy hub and is home to several hot springs and mud pools.
  • Take in views of Puga's lush green landscapes, with the magnificent mountains as a backdrop.
  • Remember to take photos of the vast stretches of sulphur and borax deposits here.
  • If you're lucky, you might even see exotic animals and birds like yak, brahmin ducks, black-necked cranes, and sheep.
  • Take a bath in one of the Puga Valley's hot springs to relieve skin problems and other ailments.

How can I get to puga valley Ladakh?

Puga Valley is about 176 kilometers from Leh and takes about 4 to 5 hours to get there. You can easily rent a private car or take a taxi from Leh to Puga Valley.

What are the few attractions of puga valley?

There are a lot of attractions of puga valley Ladakh. But some of these are the following:

Tso Moriri Lake

Tso Moriri, the country's largest high-altitude lake, is located at an elevation of 4,522 meters and is a twin to Pangong Lake. The lake exudes peace and tranquility, surrounded by majestic snow-capped mountains and stunning natural landscapes.

It's also a popular spot for bird watching, where you can see exotic birds like the bare-headed goose, great-crested grebe, brown-headed gull, brahmin duck, and others.

Changthang Wildlife Sanctuary

The Changthang Wildlife Sanctuary, located in the Changthang Plateau at an elevation of 4,000 to 9,000 feet, is home to some of the most exotic flora and fauna in the country, as well as the high-altitude lakes Tso Moriri, Pangong, and Tso Kar.


Hanle, or Anle, is a very picturesque hamlet near Puga Ladakh with a rich history and is one of the most popular villages in Ladakh. The village, located in the Hanle River Valley, is on the ancient Ladakh-Tibet trade route and offers a variety of activities, including photography, sightseeing, hiking, stargazing, and more.

It also houses the Indian Astronomical Observatory, which is one of the highest astronomical observation sites in the world.

Tso Kar

Tso Kar is a high-altitude Salt Lake in the Ladakh Valley's Rupshu Plateau. It is also known as the White Lake, is well-known for the white salt deposits on its shores. It is here that you can see exotic flora and fauna, as well as engage in bird watching.


Nyoma, a small village on the banks of the Indus River, is one of the most peaceful villages near Puga Ladakh. The village is off the beaten path and rarely visited. It is also home to a magnificent Buddhist monastery that has stood for hundreds of years.

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Things to do in Ladakh Puga Valley

The beautiful natural landscapes

Puga Valley has breathtaking natural beauty. Grey hills and mountains give way to lush green meadows, surrounded by a few hot springs. This area offers a wide range of activities, from pleasant strolls and nature photography to camping in the middle of nature.

Plan your journey while staying at Ladakh luxury hotel to take advantage of the breathtaking scenery.

The Hot Springs

People travel from all over the country to visit the Puga Valley hot springs, which are rich in sulphur and borax deposits. Thousands of tourists visit the hot springs each year.

One of these hot springs is the Chumathang Hot Spring. Because they emit hot steam, these hot springs can be seen from a long distance. They are high in sulphur and are said to heal all types of skin problems and rheumatism.

The hotspot for geothermal energy

Puga Valley is located in the Himalayan geothermal region and is one of the few geothermal energy potential sites in the country. Mud pools and hot sulphur springs attest to this, making Puga Valley an even more attractive tourist destination.

When is the best time to visit puga valley?

The best time to visit Puga Ladakh is between April and July, and again between September and October. The weather in the valley is clear during these months, with average temperatures ranging from 15 to 30 degrees Celsius.

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